Jimmy is a Hong Kong filmmaker known for his shortfilm-making. He has worked as a cinematographer for serval films and TVCs.
Jimmy has participated in some commercial production including MV, Microfilm and commercial video since 2012. Having made his directorial shortfilm debut with “NeverStop 衝(2014)”, he received a Gold Award of Best Microfilm, My Most Favorite Microfilm Award from the competition held by Hong Kong Productivity Council.
In 2016, he accepted an invitation from Clermont Ferrand Short Film Festival, France to present his shortfilm to one of the largest shortfilm festival around the globe.
In 2017, he kickstarted a non-profit creation project “DStage 夢者舞台”, aiming to encourage citizens to chase their dream by filming a series of real story shortfilms. Serval media also reported with it’s great success of “DStage”.
Early 2018, Jimmy debuted his shortfilm “PANAM98 泛美98 (2018)” which received the Best Cinematography Award in “Microfilm Music Supporting Scheme” under the sponsor of CreateHK, Hong Kong SAR Government.
Here are just some of the clients I have worked for over the years through my commercial, corporate work.
Feb 2019,
ViuTV12 July 2018,
Localiiz Hong KongA Journey Over Hong Kong’s Greener Pastures
10 August 2017,
MiLK27 May 2017,
東方日報25 May 2017,
文匯報25 May 2017,
東方日報6 May 2017,
明周27 June 2016,